We are proud to announce that MORE HEALTH has partnered with General Motors allowing us to educate students throughout the entire state of Florida about safe driving. Sadly, vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 13- to 19-year-olds and we are committed to making this group of students the safest generation on the road. Parents can help with this goal – as a child’s number one influencer, make sure you are talking to your teen driver about safe driving, establishing the rules, and setting the right example.
Start the Conversation Early
- Talk to your teens about safe driving early and often, before they reach driving age
- Talk to the parents of your child’s friends and make sure you all agree about the expectations regarding safe driving
Spell Out the Rules
- No cell phone use
- Always buckle up
- Restrict or prohibit passengers while driving
- No Speeding
- No alcohol or drug use
- Limit or restrict night driving for new drivers
- No driving when drowsy
- Establish clear consequences ahead of time
Set the Standard
- Talking is important, but action is even better
- Model good habits and turn off your cell phone or have them act as your assistant
- Buckle your seat belt before starting the vehicle
- Insist all passengers buckle up before starting the vehicle